
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Flaunt baby flaunt!!!

1. To exhibit ostentatiously or shamelessly: flaunts his knowledge
2. Usage Problem To show contempt for; scorn.
1. To parade oneself ostentatiously; show oneself off.
2. To wave grandly: pennants flaunting in the wind.
flauntingly adv.
Usage Note: Flaunt as a transitive verb means "to exhibit ostentatiously": She flaunted her wealth.

I still remember when I was in class 5; I was invited to the birthday party of one of the girls living in my colony. Well I am consciously using the word ‘girl’ and not ‘friend’ because I was never friendly with that girl and we did not see each other eye to eye (for she would tease me for my petite physique, which I am still proud of) I had to go only because my family knew her family in some way. All of the kids went to a good restaurant
where we had that unforgettable dinner which is the basis of this post and my hidden powers of sensing if someone is flaunting or not. That night I saw in real what exactly is meant by ‘full-to-flaunt’. There were two girls seated across the table facing me and were constantly talking (read: telling) about various nicer things in life like their trips to

When we grow up and enter teenage, we flaunt our gifts and belongings like clothes, shoes, accessories and other things. Later we flaunt our boyfriends; I mean we keep flaunting all our lives. I don’t deny the fact that boys flaunt too, but their flaunting is more of direct kind. On the contrary, girls use beautifully pre thought and strategically devised rhetoric language that even though seems like complete crap to the third person but precisely conveys the message and list of belongings meant to flaunt to another woman. It’s like a coded message only another woman can decode.
Like “my god it’s so very hot yaar, I feel like even removing off my diamond ring”. Well, coming to a serious note although the approaches are different, girls and boys both flaunt and Indians in particular, I feel are very fond of flaunting. I have noticed people flaunting their Rado fakes in front of complete strangers! It’s laughable but it’s extremely satisfying to the owner of the fake! Hahaha! One of the persons I know owns a Nokia model that resembles a blackberry in design. He would always say like this “yups I saw your sms on my BB”. “I’ll give u a ring from my BB”, “my BB was switched off” like this, when everyone knew it was not a BB but a simple Nokia. It seemed laughable especially when it came from a senior executive.
To conclude I feel flaunting is an innate urge in every Indian, but it must be done cleverly and in a subtle manner lest in the highly likely case it becomes uncontrollable and should end up as silly show and topic of such satirical posts. Or, seriously, flaunting of one’s riches may even attract wrong people and result in undesirable consequences.