Saturday, September 15, 2018


There is a thin line between luxury and sin; the former after a point turns into the latter. An item is purchased as a necessity, then a better one for more utility, then another version for style and aesthetic aspects. Next follows a bigger brand for status and then an even expensive one for luxury, but beyond that, our repeated purchase of that item becomes a sin and sinful wastage. This amount wasted on vanity can be easily used for charity, education or saving for rainy days. 

I know many people who are always under debt and loans for purchasing luxury possessions beyond their means, just for the sole purpose of flaunting. To me, longing for approval and applause from others betrays a lack of sense of self worth.


  1. Your last sentence says it all, Ankita.
    Great post!

    1. Thank you Chris. I am happy you liked the point I tried to make :)

  2. I have lost the desire to chase tangle things, what I seek cannot be bought....

    1. That is the best thing to do! Chase joy and happiness :)

  3. ...okay, let's try tAngIblE *grin*
