Friday, September 8, 2017

Deep Silhouettes

Clicked this one rainy afternoon. This photographs speaks to me on many levels. It can indicate distance within relationships, when you cannot leave but retire in your own corners. It can also indicate that you are comfortable being on the same plane and some distance is keeping things fine. It can also depict that you find you are upon yourself like everyone else around you; alone but not lonely. Or that you have found your comfortable space away from the web of life. Anyway, I love this click!


  1. All the interpretation of the photographs as apt and i guess we all fall under these categories.

  2. To me it depicts two people separated by circumstances but clinging to that line of hope called love.

    So many interpretations. Love it!

    1. Hi Red

      This is also a good interpretation! Thank you!

  3. Very thought provoking. I like "alone, but not lonely."
    Beautiful photo - loves its simplicity!

  4. I see all your versions in the pic, I love the mood too, sometimes just knowing there's another is sufficient...

    1. Hi Shadow

      Thanks! Yes, I agree, it is indeed a big support, esp mentally
