Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Bits & Pieces 7

What’s Your Dope?

A dashing cousin once confessed that his love for bikes and racing had surpassed his love for any other thing in the world. He got a peculiar kick by speeding his motorcycle on dimly lit Delhi roads late at nights with his biker gang. More than three fourths of his salary went into maintenance and accessories for this passion. I said that this was his dope. Another friend of mine enjoys watching movies and all of her time goes in browsing through IMDB and watching them like a sincere student, sometimes up to three in a row. This is her dope. We all have our own dopes. The word ‘dope’ that immediately reminds us someone high on drugs lying upturned in the middle of the road, actually is derived from the word ‘dopamine’ a chemical secreted by human brain that induces the feeling of happiness and bliss. My neighbor’s dope is gardening. Even when she is sick herself, I can spot her tending to her plants like they were infants, crying for her. To be happy, we just need to spot something that can give us innate happiness, an inextinguishable source of bliss. So, what’s your dope?
(Pic link)

Myopic on Biopic

The recent spurt in the graph of biopics in Indian cinema points towards a few things. Firstly, it is evident that fame and popularity scores over content and work. That is why notorious Charles Shobhraj can boast of a biopic made upon his wayward life and not Kailash Sathyarthi or such people who have put delinquent and painful lives back to track, who have gathered pieces together to make many a life worth living again. The recent biopic made in Hollywood upon the great Indian mathematician Ramanujan indicates how short sighted we have become when it comes to choosing subjects for this genre. Secondly, it is as if we have run out of new ideas, and people’s lives, no matter how banal they have been, are being turned into money grosser movies. I do not think some celebs whose lives have been captured on the wide screen deserve that much. No one has yet bothered to make a biopic on Hockey Wizard Dhyan Chand who impressed even Hitler first with his game and then with his loyalty towards his country. The next biopic, I read somewhere, is going to be on Late Kamala Das, the great Indian writer, and Vidya Balan is going to portray her feminist and enigmatic life. This is fine; she can motivate many women but still, there have been celebs who clearly did not deserve even a short docu-drama. We need to think and be more creative with story lines and plots and yes, music as well.
(Pic Link)

Miss Attitude

I have noticed that for most people, esp girls, being rude and sarcastic means being modern. They have this deep rooted perception that not asking or replying politely, throwing weight around, snubbing acquaintances and loudly conversing in English with modern slangs thrown liberally is a clear recipe to become attractive, desirable and ‘hot’. It is a stupidity, a sheer one I dare say. No one can look lovely with an acerbic tongue and useless attitude that has roots nowhere in concrete. Attitude means having a spine and confidence to stand up for one self, the maturity to draw the line between friendliness and harassment, the courtesy and gravity to accept one’s mistakes. However, every other girl (even school going ones) is throwing dollops of attitude without even realizing how idiotic and insolent it makes her appear to others. 
(Pic Link)


  1. My dope? I am a news junkie. I can listen/read/watch news all day. (But not from the Indian TV.) In addition to American TV, I read 6 newspapers a day. On the other two topics, you are 100% correct.

    1. Hi SG

      That is great! 6 papers a day! that is something of a record!

    2. I read 6 too !! Hi-fi !!!

  2. Immatured people have this type of attitude...

  3. I never knew 'dope' was from 'dopamine' :O
    My dope currently has to be my Pharmacology book :P

    Talking about biopics- Sanjay Dutt definitely doesn't deserve one! What has he done in his life? Except being born to a famous father... And that too he didn't contribute anything to it! -_-

    And don't even get me started on attitude! I think the kind of clothes one wears is the first sign of attitude... I don't find anyone with simple and sober clothing anymore...

    1. Hi Rupasi

      I am happy to know that you have made it to a medical college. That time (2015 April) you were preparing for your PMT if I remember correctly.

      Seriously, he has done mostly negative things and does not deserve a biopic definitely. That is also true, most pple are crazy about clothes and that is the very source of their confidence and attitude.

    2. Thank you so much Ankita :)

  4. That watching movies in a row reminds me of what I did about four decades ago. Watched 3 Hindi movies on one day (at the theatre) Matinee - Dhund, First show - Anamika and second show - Anhonee.
    Later in the night I was all confused as two of the movies had the same hero - Sanjeev Kumar.

    1. Hi Haddock

      that was interesting! I have not seen any of them :P
      But I like 'meri bheegi bgeegi si' song from Anamika

  5. Hate it when people try so hard to be mean and rude so they're set apart. That's not just the way to stand out.

  6. I admire your sketches and portraits and the writing talent, as I have gone through all the three posted above-....Dopes, Myopic... and ....Attitude.

    1. Hi Rudraprayaga

      Thanks a lot for the lovely compliment!! You made my dayyy :)

  7. I have many dopes Ankita,it all boils down to keeping busy.Right now I am into embroidering.
    I agree with all you have said in the other two pieces.Very accurate observations.

    1. Hi Indu

      keeping busy is the best thing! That is gr8, I tried that once, many years back :)

      Thanks a lot!

  8. I'm yet to find my dope but I guess sit-coms can be the ones. If I start watching a series, I can't leave it easily!


    1. Hi Geets

      Nice! some sitcoms like Sarabhai vs Sarabhai are way to enjoyable! and anytime :)

  9. Gardening is my dope too. And I agree...we.just need to find that one thing....
    Haha...the miss attitude piece was fun and true and well articulated

  10. Today’s young ones love for bikes has become uncontrollable. One of my cousin’s friend (a teen) committed suicide when their parents refused to get him bike… and he (my cousin) himself is forcing their parents now to buy a costly bike behind their budget. Being passion on something is not a bad thing, but being conscious are very important and should aware the limits.

    Nowadays remake has become a common trend in cinemas, as if no stories is left behind. Even many movies don’t have apt titles and old captions are back with new or same plots… yes, many biopics have captured only familiar persons, though it may reveal many things that we missed to know, but I think we aren’t dare to touch other subjects thinking about profit. But the film maker’s fear is fair enough, because how many of us show interest in watching biopic, if it wasn’t great celebrities alike Dhoni.

    Above attitude, you are absolutely right. I observed many girl children develop an attitude to see boys as untouchable and generate not to mingle and create friendship even with their class mates or boys younger their age. I think this way they fail to learn how to approach a boy or dismiss a proposal when grown up without creating problem to each other. Another thing was, whatever we (no matter who you are, even elders of both gender) ask any question at today’s young world esp. at girls, their replay seems to be sarcastic that make us feel to never ask them anything. In name of caution and modernity they lose the real love and affection and sharing even from their own family.

    1. Hi Jeevan

      My God! I feel so sorry for that boy's parents, they must have suffered a lot for this inane step of their son.
      On biopics, I agree with you.

      Answering sarcastically has become so common that if someone is polite with you, something seems odd. that seems funny but is a sad truth.
