Monday, April 27, 2015

Celebrate Life!

I have always believed that an imbalanced life is what makes one unhappy and sullen. Finding and also maintaining a balance between work and play is the key. This balance is required in everything we have and do like our homes and social circle.

What makes me happy is a small tea party with friends. I love to call my friends over to my place or go over to theirs and enjoy simple tea with local snacks like samosas, pakoras and bread rolls. The playful banter and chit-chat gives us immense pleasure that can never be found in a fine formal dinner at some high-profile 5-star. The personal bonding makes life worth looking forward to. We often go for walks and crack jokes with each other. Two of my friends have pets. The dogs are just so awesome and I love cuddling them and now they too have become a part of our chai-party group! Animals have always acquired a special place in my heart and I love playing with them. Little squirrels and birds and cats as well amuse me no end and their careful and alert expressions make me giggle and smile all the way.

The biggest joys lie in smallest of emotions and things. After working from morning to evening six days a week, I get a free Sunday that I lovingly call my ‘indulgence day’. I often stay at home and read my favorite books or write something. Decorating home also makes me happy. I think for one’s happiness these two things are must- good friends and good books!

A moment spent in the lap of nature, and by nature I do not mean lush green hills high in some fancy hill station but your own garden or any well maintained park, moment spent in the company of a friend or self makes the day! We do not need a reason to celebrate if one is happy and feels rooted and balanced from inside; after all, happiness is like Musk- it is very well inside us and we do not have to run here and there for it. It is more of a state of mind. A small tea party, an hour spent cuddling my neighbor’s pet dog (I do not own one), spending time caring for my kitchen garden and gorging on homemade snacks are enough to make me feel huge celebrations and festivals can sometimes seem unnecessary compared to the moment that is still there and full dripping with joy!!

“#CelebrateLifeAtIvy by owning a dream home atIvy estate, an 85 acre estate with 34 acres of greenery and open spaces. Join the 1600 happy families already living here. Check out this walkthrough video and decide for yourself.


  1. Excellent post. As you correctly pointed out, happiness is a state .of mind.

  2. After reading your post, I want to call my friends over for tea and buy few plants to tend them. :)

    1. Hi Saru

      is it! then just give them a ring! :D

  3. It is these little joys in small things that abound us makes life enjoyable.Many miss this in the hurry burry and blame the lack of time.It is good to note you are able to relish these welcome diversions.

    1. Hello Nana

      Thanks a lot! I am happy you liked the post

  4. How I agree to this..good friends and books...yes even I think so..I do my walking with a friend and I look forward to that half an hour in the evening:)

    1. Hi Renu

      Thanks! yes, such walks are so cathartic!

  5. Aww, your friend's dogs sound adorable. I can imagine how much fun it is to hang out with them!

  6. Wonderful stuff, Thank you.
