Sunday, March 1, 2015

My Angel

The support of family is the first brick of happiness, but it is something that should never be taken for granted and those who have such kind of support are indeed lucky. I would like to share how my mother guided and encouraged me to grow up into an altogether different personality than what I initially was.

This dates back to my childhood when I was thin as a stick and it seemed as if loose clothes are hanging on a pole or somewhat like a droopy flag. This made me quite conscious of myself and to make the matters worse, my teeth were slightly in a zig-zag pattern too. That was the last straw and at one point of time, I was so conscious that I often, on this pretext or that, started spending evenings at home instead of going out with my friends, most of whom were bloated with hanging dollops of flesh, giving me a solid complex. I was neither undernourished nor ill but simply very thin. My mother spotted this complex in me and feared that this might lead to some behavioral disorders in future so she lent me her helping hand that really encouraged me to grow into a confident and self-reliant person.

The first thing she did was to advise to me to join my friends and laugh at myself when they made fun of me, instead of feeling cornered and getting irritated, which they in fact enjoyed. I did that and it worked wonderfully! They no longer teased me when they found me enjoying their barbs. Another big thing she did was to motivate me to take part in school functions and local contests like debates, races etc and definitely not for the prizes but just for the feeling of participation. She told me to accept myself as a beloved child of God and to stay in my skin comfortably all the time and made me understand how a diminished self-confidence leads to a low self-esteem and within no time, a person is reduced to a doormat by the ruthless world around him/her. She consulted a dentist too who said that by the time I’ll be out of teenage my teeth would change shape and I should consider changes or fixtures only then, as teeth in younger age tend to shift and change shapes. Luckily, the zig-zag pattern ironed out on its own in coming years.

So, I started taking part in debates, essay writing contests and school group dances and honestly, it did made me feel confident and reliant. My thinness did not bother me anymore rather I stated feeling happy that I was saved from obesity. Her help not only made me develop into a positive person but also helped me shed all the timidity that had enveloped me.

Such is the help of family members, when other people just poke fun at you and point out flaws, your family can make you turn the same dirt in to a pearl that makes you shine. I shall always be deeply thankful to my mother, my angel who saved me from growing into an introverted and nervous person.

HDFC Life can help you become an angel for your family

Check out this cute and inspirational #MyFamilyMyPride ad film 

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  1. mothers love .. a sincere post :)

  2. Family plays an important role in standing besides us, always. Lovely post :-)

    1. yes, rightly said! thanks a lot :)

  3. I have learnt so far everything is secondary FAMILY is the most important always .. and we are where we are because of our parents ..


    1. Hi Bikram

      yes, so true. family is the most important thing.

  4. We should often listen to the song "We Are Family" by Sister Sledge.

    1. Hi SG

      I have never heard that number, will go to you tube now :D

  5. How wonderful our mothers are? Not only mother, but as a family, without their support I think no one could rise up. I am glad my family supports me in my everyday life... so i can’t image a life without it.
    Beautiful write up :)

    1. Hi Jeevan

      Yes, they really are. Thanks a lot! I am glad you enjoyed reading it :)

  6. Your mom sounds lovely! Mine always supported me too, no matter what!

    1. yes! that's how moms are..just so lovely :)

  7. Thanks for sharing such motivational stories, your story and also the story in the commercial are motivating and explain how family supports and nurtures in growth of every individual!! :)

    1. Hi Charan

      Thank you! I am happy you enjoyed the post :)
