Thursday, November 7, 2013

Liebster Award and Tag!

Thank you Nikhil, Ekta, Jyothi and Maithili for awarding me the 'Liebster Award' and this tag! Since I do not wish to bore people by answering all the 40 questions, I am taking up Nikhil’s set as I received it first.

1. In a dilemmic situation, would you listen to your heart or your brain? why?
Ans: Depends what the situation is and what’s on stake.

2. Choose between an “Unlimited internet connection for a month” & “1 month of your favorite food delicacy”?
Ans: I would choose the latter.

3. Five rare random facts that most people don’t know about you?
Ø My Grandfather served as the personal Physician to His Highness Jodhpur for some time.
Ø Many of the classics I have are from Grandpa’s personal collection of books.
Ø My extended family is quite diverse! There are members belonging to Maharashtra, Kumaon, Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan, UP, MP and a few other places! A family gathering seems like a multi-cultural fest!
Ø I have a certain liking for Germans. I find them intellectual, tough and dependable.
Ø My mother named me ‘Niloufer’ as she loved this name but she did not know the meaning of this word. Hence, my name was changed to ‘Ankita’ which means ‘inscribed’. Now I know, courtesy Internet, Niloufer means ‘water lily’.

4. A fictional character (from a book/movie/TV show) that you think closely resembles you.
Ans:  Alice in ‘Alice in Wonderland’ :P

5. Congratulations! you have been just given the opportunity to travel back in time. Which year or occasion ; why?
Ans: Thank you!! I would go back to the time of Gautam Buddha, to meet him of course!

6. Coke or Pepsi?
Ans: None. I avoid soft drinks

7. First thing you would do if you win the lottery (amount can be the maximum you can think of right now) :D
Ans: I’ll kneel before Lord Shiva to thank him for the blessings.

8. One thing that annoys you the most?
Ans: Cruelty towards helpless animals and children.

9. Something that you would love to do but are too afraid to?
Ans: Bungee Jumping

10. A superpower or a lot of money….and justify your choice?
Ans: A superpower- to read anyone’s thoughts (incl animals) because then, life will never be boring!!

Now my questions are as follows:

  • 1. One book/movie you could alter the ending of.  Please give reasons for your choice.
  • 2.    Which two Indian laws would you change if given an opportunity to do so?
  • 3.    Are you a dog person or a cat lover? Which breed of dogs you like the most and why.
  • 4.    Which actor and actress you think should permanently bid adieu to acting and why.
  • 5.    Name the two films you would like to direct again. Who will you cast in lead roles?
  • 6.    Where do you stay the most (mentally), your past, present or future?
  • 7.    Describe yourself in three words.
  • 8.    How do you de-stress yourself?
  • 9.    How would you deal with a very rude but a close relative?
  • 10.  One zodiac sign (apart from yours) that you like and why.
I would to give this wonderful ‘Liebster Award’ along with these questions, to the following ten friends

          Nihar, ShaktiKeith GarimaShreekant 

Congrats to all!  Eagerly awaiting your answers!


'Liebster' is basically a German word and it means 'dearest'. This award is usually given to blogs with less than 200 followers. However, I have given it to ten of my fav bloggers!
The procedure:
  •    Link back to the blogger who has nominated you
  •    Nominate ten more bloggers and pass this award to them.
  •    Answer all questions given to you.
  •    Create your own ten question set for the nominees
  •    Let them know that they have been nominated 


  1. Congratulations on the award, Ankita! You deserve it because you are awesome and such a wonderful person! I enjoyed reading your answers a lot, it is great to learn more about you! I love the fact that you love animals so much! And I also love the fact that you like Germans of course. :)
    Thank you so much for nominating me, it really is an honor. :) You made my day! Can't wait to answer your questions!

    1. Thank you Katrin!! that's such a wonderful compliment! ya, I love animals and hate people who are cruel towards them.
      You deserve this award dear :) I really want to see your answers! Plz do the tag soon!


  2. Congratulations on winning the Liebster Award. And, thanks for giving me this award. I am honored.

    1. Hi SG

      Thanks a lot! You deserve it! I love reading your posts :)

  3. Hey, congrats. Happy for you.

  4. Liked your answers. If you would go back to Gautam Buddha's time, you might have to come my village as well. He used to come there ( as it is written in History books) :) Congratulations!!

    1. Hi Nihar

      Thank you! is that so? its amazing then! :)

  5. congratulations Ankita!

  6. congratulations on the award and nice to know more about you

  7. Congrats Ankita. And I honored with your award :)

    1. Hi Pankti!

      Thank you!! U deserve it dear :) plz do the tag soon!

  8. BTW, I love the new look and layout of your blog :D

    1. thank you Pankti! the earlier one looked really cluttered that's why I changed it :)

    2. I didn't find the earlier one cluttered. It was good. But this one rocks :)

  9. Creative , true & to the point answers by the way ....Loved 'em. Glad we all could know a lot of new things about you.:)
    Carpe Diem!:D

    P.S. - 'Niloufer' would have been a great name gal....sounds more like a persian name. :D ..but ya "Ankita" is a lovely name too. Simple yet lovely!:)

    1. Hi Nikhil

      Thanks a lot! I am happy you enjoyed the tag :)

      ya, Niloufer is indeed a lovely name. It is a Persian word for a type of lily that grows in water :)

  10. Well done, Ankita both the answers and the questions you prepared.

  11. Hi Rudraprayaga

    Thank you! i am really glad you enjoyed the tag!


  12. Hi Niloufer :) Your answers are cute and nice, loved reading all of them :)

    Congratulations on this award and thank you for choosing me :)

    All the best, Cheers! :)

    1. Hi Chinni :)

      hehe! thank you! You deserve it and I am eagerly waiting to read your tag :)

      tacke care!
