Saturday, September 10, 2011

Universal Blindfold

Amongst all the human emotions, some offer huge exploitation potential for the people with tainted intentions. Greed is one, vanity is another; as per Hinduism the two along with anger are also considered the gateways to hell. The motherly love or mamta has, however, been exploited most widely, for all kinds of purposes.

A few days back, a scene on television caught my attention instantly, hence this post. A documentary on Mongolian villages on NG Channel showed how wild goats and other beasts can be domesticated without much botheration.

The locals keep lambs tied uncomfortably to a mule, as hostages to be more precise. This way, the lambs keep crying out in pain and mother wild goats come bleating after them upto the village. Hence, the entire task of finding, catching and domesticating a wild goat is reduced to one single action. Mothers can go to any extent for the sake of their off springs. What the locals there do is basically done by people all around the world; only forms vary.

The romantic love knows no bounds; so does love for progeny, but while the former is often dipped in lust, the latter is as pure as a dew drop from heavens. All over the world and from the times immemorial, people have widely cashed in on the parental love for varied ends, from money to thrones. Even the great Mahabharata battle can be attributed to it: king Dhritrashtra ignored all the evil doings of Duryodhan out of paternal love.

Companies, especially health-foods makers clearly show mothers wishing their kids to be the brightest and tallest in the entire group. This love is more of a mint machine for MNCs.

So, I cannot just blame the Mongolians or the goats; every living being is literally blindfolded with this. The few, who are not, stand out like sore thumb. Isn’t it?  


  1. Absolutely tru.. "mamta" or mother's love has been exploited a lot for the sake of making money or for that matter any kind of materialistic gain!! Well said!!

  2. This is such a beautiful post...

  3. Not only mother's love but every other human emotion has been exploited by the other for selfish needs, deeds and greed.

  4. Indeed, mother has been the easiest victim.
    Nice post.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  5. The whole consumer goods industry thrives on taking advantage of sentiments.

  6. hii Shrikant

    thanks a ton!!


  7. hii Shrikant

    thanks a ton!!


  8. hii Alka!

    thanks a lot!


  9. hii Sh@s

    yes, thats why emotional people are the worst hit

  10. hii BA

    yes, Absoultely

    thanks a lot!

  11. hii Harish

    yes, very true :)

  12. every emotion is vulnerable to exploitation by selfish people.

  13. No love is as pure and true as a mother's love. There is always a special joy in loving unconditionally without expecting anything which only a mother is privileged to enjoy. Yes parental care is of course sometimes guilty of being selfish in thinking about the children and in the process might actually exploit another parental love. Life is a chain. I think I’m drifting on to philosophy now :)
    Thanks for sharing such a thought provoking subject.

  14. hello Asif,

    yes, mother's love is the purest form of love...

    thanks :)
