Sunday, March 7, 2010

whats your WHY???

Today just like that, I was struck on a point that got me pondering. What should be the most important premises on which a life should be based? I feel they are following two things:

One is a vision, a purpose to live for. Clinging onto a hope gives us a direction to go towards, and makes us sail easily. In the words of the philosopher Fredrick Nitzche “He who has a why can cope up with any how”. I strongly believe in this thing. Rhonda Byrne (author of the best-seller ‘The Secret’) also stresses on the same point, although she as assigned a different term for this- she calls this the Law of Attraction. She says that if you aspire for something and cling to a hope, it comes true primarily because of the positive energy. But here I mean one must have a reason to live, a clearly defined ‘why’.

The other one I feel is a positive frame of mind. If one is depressed or is a pessimist he will definitely be in a constant search for a shoulder to cry upon and such a mental state of people can be used to some unscrupulous advantage by others. A fearful mind is vulnerable to problems. On the other side, a positive and open mind is receptive to new ideas and can handle new situations easily.

Well, I don’t wish to be didactic but these are just my random thoughts.


  1. "If one is depressed or is a pessimist he will definitely be in a constant search for a shoulder to cry upon and such a mental state of people can be used to some unscrupulous advantage by others. A fearful mind is vulnerable to problems. "

    perfect!!perfect!! bravo! very true..

    and about the why!! I am not sure.. but for me maybe its a amalgam of happiness of others and of course eventually of self..

  2. hii Sankoobaba

    thanks a ton for liking the post :D

    thats a gr8 'why' yaar!

  3. I agree... when i read The Secret, I realized that she was talking about what all the great men in the world do- 'Pursue something hard enough and remain positive about it despite everything' and you will achieve it!! The Alchemist says the same thing- When you desire something, the whole universe conspires in helping you achieve it! I think it works... It definitely works for me :)

    Good post
    Love that you are able to blog so much.. Sorry for being away from Blogosphere... will get back real soon... love u n miss you


  4. Yes you are needs to have a purpose in life else living life would be futile.

  5. hii Diva

    thanks a lot for such a thoughtful comment. it feels really good to see u commenting again after a long gap. looking fwd to ur amazing posts. ya luv u and miss u too :D

  6. hii G3

    thanks a lot yaar..yaa, one must has a why.
