Tuesday, June 30, 2020


अपनी छोटी सी मुट्ठी में एक टुकड़ा धूप पकड़ती 
अपनी ललचायी आंखों से अपनी भाइयों को निहारती 
उस गेंद को उनसे ऊपर उछालना चाह्ती हुई बच्ची
वो मैं ही तो थी 

अपनी थकी हुई माँ के साथ चूल्हे के पास सिकती 
शाम होते ही खेल छोड़ घर भागती वापस आती  
अपनी दादी के साथ मंदिर सत्संग में बैठी हुई 
वो मैं ही तो थी 

स्कूल में सहेलियों के साथ पीछे की बेंच पर, धीमे हंसती 
घर का फ़ोन नंबर मांगने वालों को शिकायत का डर देती 
बूढ़े टेलर से अपनी स्कर्ट को बार बार और नीचे सिलवाती हुई 
वो मैं ही तो थी 

एक ही रास्ते से चुन्नी लपेटे चुपचाप कॉलेज आती जाती
बनारसी साडी में शर्माते हुए चाय समोसे की ट्रे लाती 
एक अजनबी से ख़ुशी से सात जनम जुड़ती हुई 
वो मैं ही तो थी 

अपने बेटे में अपने अधूरे सपने छुपाने वाली 
अपनी बेटी के लिए चुन चुन दहेज़ जोड़ने वाली 
खुद को भूल सबकी पसंद को पूरा करती हुई 
वो मैं ही तो थी 

वो खिड़की, वो मंदिर, वो पीछे की बेंच 
वो सीधा रास्ता, वो टेलर, वो रसोई
मैंने तो हर तरह के 'lockdown' देखे हैं
तुम्हारे लिए ये सिर्फ एक नया शब्द है
जिसने तुम्हे परेशान कर दिया है 
पर मैंने जाने कितनी सदियों जिसे हर रोज़ जिया है 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Philosophy Series Sketch No. 05: Arthur Schopenhauer

This work is done in HB and pencil on A5 paper.
This is the final sketch of my Philosophy Series. He is my favorite philosopher and one of the very few western thinkers who understood and weaved Eastern philosophy into his works. He was an exponent of Vedas and Upanishads. Also, I think his aphorisms are really good. He was a pure vegetarian and an animal lover. The name of pet poodle was ‘Atma’ a Sanskrit word for ‘Soul’.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 –1860) was a German philosopher. He is best known for his 1818 work The World as Will and Representation, wherein he characterizes the phenomenal world as the product of a blind and insatiable metaphysical will. Building on the transcendental idealism of Immanuel Kant, Schopenhauer developed an atheistic metaphysical and ethical system that rejected the contemporaneous ideas of German idealism.
His work has been described as an exemplary manifestation of philosophical pessimism. Though his work failed to garner substantial attention during his lifetime, Schopenhauer has had a posthumous impact across various disciplines, including philosophy, literature, and science. His writing on aesthetics, morality, and psychology have influenced many thinkers and artists. Schopenhauer saw his philosophy as a continuation of that of Kant, and used the results of his epistemological investigations, that is, transcendental idealism, as starting point for his own. As a consequence of his monistic philosophy, Schopenhauer was very concerned about the welfare of animals. For him, all individual animals, including humans, are essentially the same, being phenomenal manifestations of the one underlying Will. The word "will" designated, for him, force, power, impulse, energy, and desire; it is the closest word we have that can signify both the real essence of all external things and also our own direct, inner experience. For this reason, he claimed that a good person would have sympathy for animals, who are our fellow sufferers.

Schopenhauer died peacefully on September 21, 1860, in his apartment in Frankfurt at Schöne Aussicht 16. He was 72.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Death Of Conscience

I read about the elephant last night and ever since there is an unsettling eerie feeling within me. I am pained, saddened, ashamed and disturbed in equal measures by what the locals in Kerala’s Malappuram did to that poor pregnant elephant who was scrounging for food. Who on earth, in his right mind and with even an iota of conscience could do a vile thing as to feed it pineapple laced with crackers. The crackers burst into her mouth and she died standing in water. The attempts to rescue her went futile probably she was too heartbroken to ever trust humans again. 

This incident is not the only one and not will be the last one but it is another noose that has tightened its grip on our collective humanity and conscience. I am way too depressed even as tears fill my eyes as I write this, I demand harshest punishment for those monsters and a radical change in animal protection laws in India. Sadly, the priorities of Indian government are can make this seem like a very distant dream. We are currently obsessed with changing the name of everything- cities, stadiums, roads, or even the country- from India to Bharat after the great king Bharat, a step closer Hinduism. In the whole drama that plays on the national stage along with many other pointless ones, we have forgotten that it is collective ethics and morals along with a robust justice system that make a country great, and not just assuming the name of a king once called great in some mythology books. Real life needs attention and care and more respect than mythology.

It was a gruesome murder not only of an animal but of humanity too. Human stupidity and cruelty is boundless. It is a shame. Sadly, TV channels, instead of raking up this ghastly issue to shake the people’s conscience, thought it more important to please, we all know whom.

Read@ https://bit.ly/36UyWKC