Friday, August 24, 2018

Help Kerala

It seems God is livid with His own country. With extreme floods all around Kerala, over 373 people lost their lives within a fortnight, while at least 280,679 people have been evacuated. The state is on a high alert. It is a time for us to donate as well as pray for the people stuck in such a painful situation.

White gel pen on black card paper

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Hate crimes are on a steady rise. The communal harmony is declining and hatred is slowly darkening the love communities in India had for each other.

Medium- Pitt pens and color pencil

Monday, August 13, 2018


I firmly believe in Karma. The 'Law of Karma' is infallible and it sees everything. It also ensures that what goes around comes around too. 

I got my new watercolor squeeze brushes today and this is my first poster with them

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Men often take pride in ‘granting’ freedom to their women, which they think is a grand favor on their part. Sadly, women too feel or are made to feel lucky upon having such a liberal man in their lives. However, freedom is one’s fundamental right and cannot be granted, given or permitted by anyone. Sadly, in our culture, women are made to feel thankful for basic rights and apologize for everyone’s mistakes. Such things, in the long run, make them feel guilty about everything that goes wrong with anyone around them. Society turns them into blame absorbing sponges. 

Even though one may face hateful remarks, I feel personal freedom is something that must not be compromised upon. A woman's freedom is not a piece of cloth that can be trimmed as per someone's idea of freedom or perceptions.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

My Art On Cover Page 3

I am happy to have painted the cover page for this title.
Cover painting done in color pencils


Lakdi Ka Pul III

I am glad to share that three of my poems have appeared in 'Lakdi Ka Pul III' an international multilingual poetry anthology published by Twin City Poetry Club, Hyderabad.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Why all amazing ideas come at night? 

White gel pen on Black card paper